A message from the president
"The nationwide TalentMap© Initiative would provide our administration with the most comprehensive skills profile of the Philippine workforce. This would truly help us position and prepare our human capital to be more competitive in the 2015 ASEAN integration."
Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III
Republic of the Philippines
How the program works
STEP 1: Pre-registration
During the pre-registration phase, you will be ask to fill out DOLE's NSRP form, followed by a quick self assessment. In the self assessment you will be asked questions regarding your job search and career plans. This step will take 30 minutes.
STEP 2: 15 Skills Assessments
You will be asked to participate in 15 skills assessments, which will help you gauge how competitive you are in the 21st century. This assessment will take 3 hours.
Candidate user journey
15 skills being assessed
Planning & Organizing
This test assesses the candidate’s ability to apply Planning & Organizing in the following situations: gathering relevant start-up information, present and future budgeting, developing an expansion strategy, gauging project deadlines, organizing events within budgets, using correct presentation tools, making strategic re-location plans, re-arranging for improved outlook, planning for long-term, understanding goal-oriented plans
Social Perceptiveness
This test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Social Perceptiveness in the following situations: approaching personal issues discreetly, initiating conversations appropriately, handling aggressive customers politely, owning responsibility for negligence, identifying emotion through expression, being empathetic in relationships, seeking to understand others, adopting right-way for approaching, identifying characteristics by observation, identifying socially sensitive information
This test assesses the candidate’s ability to apply Innovation in the following situations: generating novel ideas, overcoming failures through alternatives, sharing ideas during brainstorming, meeting occasional needs creatively, experimenting with new things, inspecting surroundings for solutions, applying creative instincts, expressing messages innovatively, pursuing innovation with practicality
The test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Multitasking in the following situations: Delegating high-priority unexpected tasks, planning and prioritizing multitasking, pairing physical-with-mental tasks, identifying multitasking’s bad example, choosing multitasking over mono-tasking, avoiding leaving tasks midstream, employing available-yet-unusual help, avoiding perfection in time crunch, filtering information while multitasking and identifying low-multitasking jobs.
Work Standards
The test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Work Standards in the following situations: Dealing with customers honestly, providing accurate employment history, completing tasks with dedication, giving others due credit, following supervisor’s instruction, maintaining confidentiality of information, following corporate policy, understanding perils of gossiping, reporting hours worked honestly and using company’s asset ethically.
Stress Tolerance
The test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Stress Tolerance in the following situations: Identifying high-stressor in event, managing last-minute stress effectively, staying calm during crisis, setting realistically-challenging personal targets, showing resiliency in uncertainty, staying positive after failure, prioritizing and managing tasks, managing difficult people, using available resources optimally and facing unexpected challenges head on.
Self Motivation
The test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Self-motivation in the following situations: Exuding will power, setting realistically challenging goals, resisting short-term temptations, keeping your momentum going, being intrinsically motivated, staying positive in uncertainty, breaking goals into steps, congratulating yourself for efforts, setting clear self-improvement goals and being open to new challenges.
Problem Sensitivity
This test assesses the candidate’s ability to Problem Sensitivity in the following situations: Identifying immediate risk, reading life-threatening situations correctly, filtering out exaggerated problems, being observant, recognizing controversial statements, sensing other’s feeling, sensing subtle nuances, sensing when situation deteriorates, mitigating problems proactively and overcoming information overload.
Creative Problem Solving
The test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Creative Problem Solving in the following situations: Using power of concentration, using lateral thinking, connecting dots in story, drawing conclusion from evidences, identifying pattern in story, identifying logical fallacies, making logical inferences, showing visual perceptual skills and making logical assumption.
The test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Teamwork in the following situations: Making decision with consensus, identifying a win-win solution, resolving conflict through communication, valuing diversity in team, valuing team’s idea, building morale through appreciation, supporting colleagues in crisis, Identifying team building characteristics and acknowledging team’s contribution.
Decision Making
This test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Decision Making skills in the following situations: Choosing alternatives within budget, recruiting the right candidate, choosing between different product-mix, communicating sensitive information promptly, juggling with commitments simultaneously, prioritizing the right needs, making tough career choices, entertaining unexpected customers, making time-bound decisions and making ethically correct decisions
Critical Thinking
This test assesses candidate’s ability to apply Critical Thinking skills in the following situations: Applying criteria reasoning, using cause-and-effect reasoning, identifying logical fallacies, deriving conclusion from statement, making logical inferences, reaching logical assumptions, forming word analogies, recognizing number patterns, identifying the correct road-map and putting together artificial language
Math Functional Skill
This test assesses candidate’s knowledge of essential mathematical skills in the following situations: Understanding situation and calculating, applying basic division calculation, using basic multiplication calculation, interpreting mathematical data, solving word problem, analyzing a mathematical situation, solving subtraction equation, solving percentage word problem, applying logic to mathematical-situation, solving multiplication-subtraction equation
English Functional Skills
This test assesses candidate’s ability to understand basic and functional usage of English Language in the following situations: Using simple present tense, using modal auxiliary verb, using simple past tense, identifying correct adjective, selecting superlative adjective, structuring the sentence correctly, selecting odd one out, selecting the antonym, identifying the synonym, comprehending and correcting sentence
English Comprehension
This test assesses candidate’s ability to understand English Language in the following situations: Comprehending a passage, drawing a conclusion, analyzing a passage, making the right observation, understanding the statement, choosing the correct verb, making the right conclusion, choosing statement with closest-meaning, structuring the sentence correctly and identifying word for sentence-correction.
About Philippines TalentMap Initiative
A joint initiative of the Department of Labor and Employment, SFI Group of Companies and HireLabs, the Philippine TalentMap© assesses the skills and competencies of the country’s workforce.
The assessment tool, powered by TestedTalent, which will be utilized in each Philippine province, is aligned with 21st century skills based on the framework and defined skill set of p21.org.
Understanding the skills profile of the workforce will help us identify their strengths and weaknesses and aid in creating more relevant policies that can support both curriculum and workforce development.
TalentMap© focuses on identifying and examining current trends and issues affecting workforce talent between the academe and industry. The data will be used as a springboard to develop sound action plans in positioning the Filipino talent in the local and global workforce market.
The TalentMap© is an ecology that bridges the gap among different schools, industries, local and non-government agencies, communities and other institutions. It aims to establish a sustainable talent pipeline of Filipinos with the appropriate skills for work.